Expense Advance & Reimbursement

  • Send completed Expense Form to the Treasurer, Manking Lee.
  • Only authorized expenses will be paid.
  • Advanced payments are possible, but documentation must be provided as soon as possible.
  • Reimbursement payments will only be made if receipts are provided with the form.

Why would the union local pay expenses? There are several reasons the union pays expenses to union members. For example: per diem for members attending conventions, travel expenses, or local purchases for which it wasn't feasible to pay for the expense with a check.

Lost Time

  • First time? Login to MemberLink (members.afscmemn.org) and do these two things:
  • Under “Forms”, fill out your form W4.
  • Under “Forms”, fill out your direct deposit form.
  • Send completed Lost Time Form to the Treasurer, Manking Lee.
  • Only authorized lost time will be paid.

Employer Timekeeping:

  • TX Base users- Fund Code: 2009 Unpaid Duties Paid By Union
  • WAM Oracle users- Charge Number: LV-UNION-DOCK

What is Lost Time and why would the union local pay it? Sometimes we need members to work on behalf of the local, conducting union business during their regular working hours. When this happens, the union pays the member’s hourly wage, in lieu of members having to use annual leave. Reasons could include conventions, trainings, work actions, organizing, and more.


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